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Oct. 12, 2023

What Things Should You Stop Doing to Bring your Energy Back: Introvert and Extrovert Edition

Do you feel like something is draining you and you can’t figure out WHY? You ask yourself “What is it?? Why am I so exhausted??” Today we look at energy through the lens of extroversion and introversion, and how we can ge...
Oct. 5, 2023

Happiness Actions: Elements for a Fulfilling Life

Happiness isn’t just a “feel-good” idea - or a “nice to have” feeling. There is so much more depth to it - so many studies have been done to prove how making efforts to create more happiness and positive emotions in your lif...
Sept. 28, 2023

Unleashing the Magic of the Choice Reset Button

One of the most powerful tools we have is our ability to choose. Sometimes - we don’t realize what an impact this can make on so many aspects of our life - especially how we FEEL. How do we want to feel each day? How can w...
Sept. 21, 2023

"What else could be true?" - Challenge Your Initial Thoughts

Have you ever considered asking this question? We talk about the power in this question and how it can be a game-changer in our everyday lives. Grateful for you, my friend. ------ Subscribe to You Can Do Amazing Things and i...
Sept. 14, 2023

Funny Things We Do As We Age [we have to laugh!] and The Benefits Of Getting Older

Today - I want you to feel good about getting older. And maybe you’ll have a laugh or two, as well! We have to see past the gray hair or the aches and pains sometimes, and see the beautiful things that come with age. Much l...
Sept. 7, 2023

Guest Episode with Marcella Hill: Wake HER Up! What you need to know about hormones, HRT & where to find help

“Your labs look normal - you must be a busy mom,” your doctor tells you. ‘Normal? How can that be? I can hardly function, I’m so tired,’ you think to yourself. Or maybe you have other hormonal symptoms - no libido? Weigh...
Aug. 31, 2023

Get Your Life Back: Talking about Low Energy, Thyroid, Sleep, Hormone & Gut Issues… Here are things I’ve researched and have helped me

"Why am I so tired?" "What's wrong with me - I feel so "off!" "I am so exhausted..." Have you ever said any of those things to yourself? Do you feel like something is wrong or not right but don't know what to do - or wh...
Aug. 24, 2023

Moms Unite! Support Each Other, Share Stories, and Find the Laughter in Life

We should never feel alone in this journey as a mom. It’s so necessary that we feel connected with other moms and friends. Today we're going to talk about how to strengthen and deepen our relationships with the women in our...
Aug. 17, 2023

Conquering Procrastination: 3 Strategies for Boosting Productivity & 2 Books to Help

If you've ever found yourself saying "I work well under pressure" a little too often, this episode is going to be your go-to guide for breaking free from the procrastination trap. Experts Mentioned: Dr. Tim Pychyl - Professor...
Aug. 10, 2023

Beyond Doubt: Overcome Your Inner Battles on Your Path to Success - Part 3 of 3

Concluding our series - you don’t want to miss this one. It’s all about building a positive mindset that will give you the strength you need to move through challenging situations or setbacks. No matter what you’re going thr...
Aug. 3, 2023

Beyond Doubt: Overcome Your Inner Battles on Your Path to Success - Part 2 of 3

This is Part 2 of a 3-part episode as we continue the conversation about how to move through our challenges and battles that we all have going on. Today in Part 2 - we’re talking about some of the key factors in building resi...
July 27, 2023

Beyond Doubt: Overcome Your Inner Battles on Your Path to Success - Part 1 of 3

This is going to be a 3-part episode as we dive into how to overcome the challenges and battles that we all have going on. Today in Part 1 - we’re talking about 3 things: some of the more challenging circumstances many of us...
July 20, 2023

When Your Purpose Goes Missing: Strategies for Finding Your Way Back

Have you ever felt as if something was missing in your life? Or you start to feel anxious because you feel like you need something MORE in your life? Sometimes we may lose our direction and our purpose “goes missing.” When...
June 15, 2023

Embracing Our Beautiful Mess: Finding Joy in Authenticity and Our Imperfections

In this episode, we dive into the power of authenticity, the strength we can find in our weaknesses, and the joy and laughter we need as we embrace our flaws and imperfections. Whether you're seeking inspiration or a good lau...
June 8, 2023

Transforming Insecurity into Strength: Two Things You Must Focus On

Whether you feel insecure in yourself or with your job or maybe you feel insecure speaking in front of others - no matter what part of your life - there are 2 things you must focus on in order to break that insecurity loop an...
June 1, 2023

The Two Essential Pillars of Breaking Bad Habits and Building New Ones

I think we can all agree, it’s not easy when it comes to habits - trying to break bad habits or working so hard to build new ones. In this episode, we're diving into the two key pillars that hold the secret to unlocking las...
May 25, 2023

An Unstuck Life: Decision-Making Strategies to Get You Moving to Where You Want to Be

In this episode we talk about 5 different decision-making strategies that will allow you to break free from the uncertainty and have the clarity that you need. So, if you're ready to gain the confidence to make bold choices,...
May 18, 2023

Navigating Chaos: What’s Happening Over Here and What Helps When it’s Bananas

It’s May - it’s a busy month and there is a LOT going on. Can you relate? When there so much happening and I start to feel stressed, I know I need to rethink how or what I’m doing so I don’t sit in that feeling of overwhelm...
May 11, 2023

Understanding and Meeting Your Needs: Why it is Essential in your Life

Have you ever taken the time to think about what your needs are - to really understand them? We are ALL so busy with so many different things and activities. It's so easy to get caught up in the demands of daily life and put...
May 4, 2023

Mastering Your Mind: How To Build Mental Strength So You Can Beat Procrastination, Manage Stress, and Boost Your Confidence

Today - we’re going to talk about how strengthening our mind is one of the keys to facing and successfully managing life’s challenges - from overcoming that procrastination - to lowering your stress levels and to even boost y...
April 27, 2023

What Wolf are you Feeding? How Choosing Your Focus Can Help You Take Control of Your Life

Do you know the story about the 2 wolves? I think you’ll find it to be a perfect reminder - and so relevant in our daily lives. If you have ever felt frustrated, angry or stressed and you sit in this feeling - and wind up f...
April 20, 2023

Having No Regrets - Would You Change Anything In Your Life Now?

I hope this episode causes you to pause and think. I share an interesting article and some questions to think about so you can live your life to the fullest - cheers to that!! Article and Website Mentioned: Nurse Reveals Top...
April 13, 2023

Improve Yourself and Your Relationships: The Power of Changing Perspectives

When we make an effort to see things from a different perspective - it can be so powerful. It not only helps us grow as a person - but it can have a powerful impact on both our personal and professional relationships. Thanks...
April 6, 2023

Friendships Through Life's Changes and Chaos: How to Maintain Meaningful Connections

Friends are so important in our lives - but sometimes, we don’t give our friendships the time or attention they need to grow - or at least to last. Today we talk about how we can understand friendships better, the most impor...